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Lecture: Advanced Topics in HCI

  • Lecturer: Dr. Lewis Chuang
  • Tutor: Fiona Draxler
  • Hours per Week (SWS): 2 Lecture + 2 Project
  • ECTS credits: 6 (Lecture + Project)
  • Modul: Vertiefende Themen der Medieninformatik und Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion für Master
  • Language: English

Dates and Location

  • Wednesday, 4pm - 6pm c.t.
  • Prof.-Huber-Pl. 2, LEHRTURM-VU104


  • April 24: There is now a slack channel for the lecture (ath-ss-19).
  • April 24: Please sign up for project topics on UniWorX ("Abgabegruppen").
  • May 23: The deadline for the paper submission will be the 26th of July.
  • May 29: The prosters will be presented at Ubiaction on the 16th of July.
  • June 19: Posters submitted until the 10th of July can be printed at university
  • July 16: Poster presentations today start with a "madness" session at 6.15pm. The full schedule of the event can be found here:

Course Overview

The course "Advanced Topics in HCI" introduces foundations and current trends from different research areas in Human-Computer Interaction. Topics covered in the course include, but are not limited to, interactive surfaces, usable privacy and security, e-learning, brain-computer interfaces, eye tracking, and interaction with mobile devices.

The course consists of two parts:

  • Lectures: All lectures will be held by the scientific staff of the LFE Medieninformatik. During these lectures, participants will receive an introduction to active research areas in HCI as well as to ongoing research projects in the department. The lectures also serve as a basis for the adjoint research project.
  • Research Project: In parallel to the lecture, participants will work on scientific projects in groups of two to four people (appr. 2 weeks full time commitment). The scientific staff will provide topics and supervise participants during the project work. All projects include a concept phase as well as an implementation and/or evaluation phase. Projects may also include data analysis. The outcome of each project will be documented in the form of a scientific paper. There will be no regular sessions for the project work - rather participants are expected to meet with their supervisors on a regular basis. All participants are expected to present their projects during a seminar at the end of the term. Presentations will be in the form of posters.

Course Material

Tentative Schedule

Date Topic Presenter
24 April 2019 Introduction; Distributing Topics Lewis Chuang, Fiona Draxler
1 May Reading Week (holiday) -
8 May Reading Week (no lecture) -
15 May

How to Write a CHI paper

Brain-Computer Interfaces

Lewis Chuang

Thomas Kosch

22 May

Usable Security (in Smart Homes)

Understanding and Advancing Interaction in Public Spaces

Sarah Prange

Ville Mäkelä

29 May

Designing VR Interactions with the Bystander in Mind

Ceenu George

5 June

Computational Mobile HCI

The Touch of Urgency

Daniel Buschek

Matti Krüger (Honda Research Institute)


12 June


Saskia Bakker

19 June Supporting Ubiquitous Learning with Technology Fiona Draxler
26 June Computational Mobile HCIExplainability of Intelligent Systems Michael Chromik, Sarah Völkel
3 July

Interplay of Automated Vehicles and Non-Motorized Road Users

Kai Holländer, Jingyi Li

10 July Haptic Feedback and Interaction in VR

Tangibles and Mental Models (?)

Matthias Hoppe

Beat Rossmy

16 July Project Presentations at Ubiaction
17 July no lecture
24 July no lecture
27 July Submission of Articles