Lecture: Engineering for Human Factors
- Lecturer: Dr. Lewis Chuang
- Exercises: Mr. Francesco Chiossi, Mr. Jesse Grootjen, Dr. Lewis Chuang
- Contact: ehf@um.ifi.lmu.de
- Credit hours: 2 + 2
- ECTS-Credits: 6
- Modul: Elective course (Vertiefende Themen) for Masters Media Informatics, Informatics and Human-Computer Interaction
- Language: English
- Material for the first lecture is available here: Design for People - Intro. The password will be announced in the lecture.
- Course registration will be available via Uni2Work at the beginning of October.
- Students without Uni2Work account should attend the first lecture for further information on course organization.
Dates and Location
- Friday, 10.00hrs - 12.00hrs c.t., First date: 18.10.19, Final date: 07.02.19
- Location: Hörsaal B 001, Oettingenstraße 67
Exercise (Uebung):
- Friday, 14.00hrs - 16:00hrs c.t., Amalienstr. 73a, Room 020, First date: 25.10.18, Final date: 07.02.19
Written Exam (Klausur)
- Closed book examination (slides and written material not permitted)
- Successful course completion requires 50% correct.
Engineering refers to the creative application of scientific and mathematical principles to design systems that serve practical purposes. How can we engineer systems that are mindful of the humans that use them? This course addresses human factors that are relevant to the design of products, processes, systems, and whole environments. It is based on the belief that systems that are designed for human factors can result in more effective, safer, and more satisfactory user interactions. In this course, students will learn how principles for user-centred design are derived from theory and empirical research from three areas of specialization:
- cognitive: perception, memory, reasoning, decision making
- physical: anthropometric, physiological, and biomechanical
- social: organizational structure, teamwork, work design
[V01] Introduction: Why Bother With Human Factors?
[V02] Understanding and Designing Systems
[V03] Task Analysis
[V04] Perception and Attention
[V05] Memory
[V06] Decision-making
[V08] Displays and Controls
[V09] Human-Automation Interactions
[V10] Anthropometry and Workspace Design
[V11] Biomechanics and Physical work
[V12] Stress and Workload
[V13] Safety & Accident Prevention
[V14] Teamwork and Organizations
- Good English skills; Teaching will be in English; Exam questions and course work can be answered in German
- Course of study: Media informatics (Master), Human-Computer-Interaction (Master), Informatics (Master)
Corona Update
several have asked for dates for the second exam (Wiederholungsklausur) for Engineering for Human Factors, and given the current situation, we will now offer structured oral exams. The oral exam expects that you have worked through the lecture as well as through the exercises.
Initially, we have the following dates available:
- 07.07.2020 (08:00-18:00)
- 08.07.2020 (08:00-18:00)
- 22.07.2020 (08:00-18:00)
- 29.07.2020 (08:00-18:00)
- 30.07.2020 (08:00-18:00)
Please indicate all days that are possible for you that we have some flexibility in scheduling. Please be aware that dates might become unavailable when they are full.
Please also make sure register to take part in the exam in Uni2Work starting now, please see: https://uni2work.ifi.lmu.de/course/W19/IfI/EHF/exams/
Please mail dates that you are available to ehf@um.ifi.lmu.de together with your student number, first and last name.
If more people signup than slots available, there will be further dates available.
We plan to have an oral exam online over Zoom with a duration of 25 minutes per students. You will require a camera to take the exam.
The exam will be based on the content of the lecture, reading material, and the exercises. Expectations are that you have solved the exercise sheets (not necessarily handed them in) and understood the content of the exercises.
We will cover the complete course material. The structured oral exam will have 3 parts. Part 1: you will have 3 minutes to talk about one topic assigned during the start of the exam. Part 2: requires you to prepare a series of diagrams where we will examine the reasoning. Part 3: will be questions about the content of the lecture. Below you find 24 topics that you should prepare for part 1, where you get one topic randomly assigned, and you have 3 minutes to answer it. Here are the details about the exam process:
You should sign up and send us all dates that you can be present.
We will then assign students to time slots, and you will receive a ZOOM link.
You should come to the exam by joining the zoom meeting (we recommend 10 minutes before the exam)
At the beginning of the exam, we will have to check your student ID over the camera
You then get a topic from the lecture (list of topics is included below) assigned (randomly) for part 1.
Then there will be 5 minutes preparation time (you can use any material to prepare).
After this, you are expected to present the topic, discuss it and answer the question in about 3 minutes
This is followed by some questions on this topic.
Then part 2 MUST be prepared in advance (can be found below) where we will as questions about the different diagrams
Following this, there will be about 5 minutes questions across the other topics of the lecture.
If you do not have access to a webcam and microphone or do not wish to take part in this exam procedure, please contact us at ehf@um.ifi.lmu.de
About the virtual rooms:
An exam will hence consist of:
Room 1: Welcome, check of ID (camera), topic assignment for part 1
Room 1: 5 minutes preparation time for part 1
…moved to Room 2:
Room 2: Part 1: 3 minutes to present the topic and answer the questions
Room 2: 2 minutes potential questions on the presentation and topic
Room 2: Part 2: 5 minutes on different diagrams/analysis also found below
Room 2: Part 3: 5 minutes with questions across the topics of the lecture
Room 2: 1-minute results
The topics for the 3-minute presentations can be found below (you will get one randomly assigned at the beginning of the exam)
- Lee, Wickens, Liu, Boyle (2017) Designing for People: An Introduction to Human Factors Engineering, CreateSpace, Charleston, SC. (http://designing4people.com)