Human Centered Ubiquitous Media  (EN)

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Are you currently learning German and would like to improve your gender and case grammar skills?

We have developed an Android app that automatically generates flashcards from photos and are now looking for learners who help us evaluate the app by using it at their own pace for 10-14 days and by filling in two short surveys, one before and one after usage.

If you have an Android Phone running Android 6 or newer, you can download the app in the Play Store. The surveys are included in the app. After the study period, you can keep using the app (although some features may eventually become unavailable).

In addition, if you are available for a short interview after using the app, contact me via email to arrange an online meeting between the 10th and 16th of September. The interview participation will be compensated with a 15€ voucher or 1.5 MMI points for media informatics students.

If you are experiencing issues or if the app crashes: please check the Play Store for updates