Human Centered Ubiquitous Media  (EN)

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Pavithren Pakianathan

Pavithren Pakianathan, MEn

Research associate


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Frauenlobstr. 7a
80337 Munich

Room: 443A


Research Interests

I focus on designing complex socio-technical systems in the context of digital health, particularly for Cardiovascular disease (CVD) treatment and rehabilitation. As a Pre-Doc at Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Prevention, I work with key stakeholders (mainly at the Landeskliniken Salzburg and Institut für Sportmedizin des Landes Salzburg), such as patients, clinicians and health informaticians, to design human-centred and accessible technologies which involve patient-generated health data. To investigate the interactions with health data, I adopt the principles of Human Data Interaction.

Academic background

  • Information Systems Technology and Design (BEng) at Singapore University of Technology and Design
  • Information Systems Technology and Design (MEng) at Singapore University of Technology and Design (Research area: inclusive design of mobile privacy and security)
  • Research Associate at Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore
  • Currently: Pre-doc at LMU Munich und Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Prevention